英語でなんて言う?「お忙しいのに色々とご配慮いただき」【#17 ビジネス英語】あいさつ
I would like to thank you again for making the various arrangements for me despite being so busy.
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you for inviting me to the meal at the Italian restaurant after the meeting the other day. 深く感謝します
The restaurant was wonderful, and the food was superb. Everything was fantastic.
superb 見事
Your continued support will be greatly appreciated.今後ともご支援よろしくお願いします。
I think the fact that the convention ended a great success is the result of everyone working late every day to arrange everything.
I don’t think there is anybody who is as flexible in their thinking as you. 物事の柔軟な考え方で意味の右に出るものはいない
passed away 亡くなった
I found out on the TV news that there’s been quite a lot of damage there from the huge hurricane.
I wish for your speedy recovery.
Being assigned to such an important task has given me renewed determination. I intend to give it my best. 重要な仕事を任せてもらい決意新たに精一杯やろうと思います。
renewed determination 新しい決意
I am very glad to hear that you will soon be getting engaged to Ayako.
This eventful year will soon draw to an end, and the holiday season will very shortly be upon us.
draw to an end 終わりに近づく
shortly もうじき
Numerous flowers such as the cherry blossoms will soon start to bloom, and the most beautiful season of the year will be here.
words and phrases
英語でなんて言う?「先着順で定員になり次第締め切ります。」【#16 ビジネス英語】案内 2019.01.03
英語でなんて言う?「途中経過」【#18 ビジネス英語】進捗確認 2019.01.13