英語でなんて言う?「途中経過」【#18 ビジネス英語】進捗確認

正解はprogress midway
I would like to confirm progress midway in order to consider the direction of the work from here on. 途中経過を確認させてください。
How is the work I asked you to do coming along?
come along 捗る
I just want to make sure the development of the system program is proceeding smoothly.
I am sending you a progress report on the work I was asked to carry out.
Regarding the points for consideration that came up at the last meeting, could you bring me up-to-date on the situation since then?
Regarding the points for consideration 検討課題について
We increased the number of personnel for a period of one month from last week, but has the situation actually improved?
Please clarify the problem areas at the present time and make clear the order of priority for their resolution.
problem areas 問題点
In the previous report, things were proceeding a bit slower than scheduled.
Please don’t forget to report on the present situation in regard to this point.
In the previous report 前回の報告
I want you to submit the report as soon as possible. When do you think it will be ready?
This project will take a long time to complete and so it may prove to be quite tough, but I would like to ask for your cooperation.
prove to be + 形容詞 〜だと分かる
I would like you to finish up that job by Friday of next week. Would that be okay?
I will briefly explain the pending matters being discussed at the regular meetings.
pending matters 懸案
At the moment matters are proceeding with no major problems, and I think we will be in plenty of time for the deadline at the end of August.
I have attached material summarizing the present problem.
As we are slightly behind schedule, we need to discuss measures for improvement.
Since we are already over budget, we are considering whether we can make some adjustments in other areas. 検討中です
I will submit the report by the end of this week at the very latest. 遅くとも今週末までに出します
Would you be able to make time in the near future to discuss the items to be studied?
items to be studied 検討事項
I will report to you later regarding the schedule after it has revised.
anyone suitable 適切な人物
We requested you to deal promptly with the system trouble at our company, but your response has been too slow.
I am worried that perhaps you have not read the e-mail.
Perhaps we are having some trouble sending and receiving e-mail.
words and phrases
英語でなんて言う?「お忙しいのに色々とご配慮いただき」【#17 ビジネス英語】あいさつ 2019.01.03
【初心者〜中級者】英会話の学習に役立つニュースサイトまとめ 2019.04.02