英語でなんて言う?「それって〜ということですか?」【#12 ビジネス英語】会議

Are you referring to “over” as in “overcome”?(referring: ~のこと)
This is to notify you of the inter-company joint project meeting scheduled to be held on April 8. 4/8に開催予定の合同会議
The topics to be discussed at today’s meeting are listed in the attached document.
amendments to working regulations 就業規則の改正点
The purpose of this joint strategy meeting is to confirm the understanding of the 3 companies concerning the outlook for the project. 合同戦略会議の目的は当プロジェクトの展望について確認すること
If you have any opinions or proposals in addition to the subjects under discussion, please feel free to speak up. 議題以外にも提案、意見あれば発言ください
After discussing all the items on the agenda, we will talk about what we should discuss at the next meeting.
You are expected to submit the monthly report to the department manager by the day before the meeting. 月間報告書を部長まで提出ください。
Thank you very much for reminding me of the meeting the day after tomorrow. I have been so busy recently that I had almost forgotten about it.リマインドありがとうございます。
I already have an appointment before the meeting, so I may not be there when the meeting starts, but I will join you later.会議前に予定があり少し遅れます。
I might have to go on a business trip on that same day. If that is the case, I will contact you again.出張が入る可能性があるため、その場合はご連絡します。
I will give you a call then. その時にまたお電話します
Please let us know if we need to prepare anything. 事前準備必要であればおしらせください。
It would be great if you could prepare the materials on the issues to be discussed at the next meeting.
I will have to be absent from the meeting. 欠席せざるを得ません(I won’t be attending the meeting欠席します)
I will arrive there late, and it looks like I won’t make it in time for that time.時間に間に合いそうもありません。
I will find out if it’s possible for me to arrive there a bit earlier. 〜かどうかさらに検討してみます。
I should be available in the afternoon on that day. 午後ならいけます
This is a quick note to tell you that sales strategy meeting that was to be held at our company on September 15 has been canceled. 取り急ぎおしらせします。
I am attaching the minutes of the meeting, revised to reflect everyone’s suggestions. Please replace the old one with this revised edition.みなさんからの指摘を反映させて議事録
We would be grateful if you would look over the points agreed upon between us.
Which means, ~
let me briefly explain regarding~
As for Top page, the typical example of additional work is below. 主な追加作業は以下です
supplemental question
Would you elaborate it a little more, please?
I’m also looping in Marie, Proximity technical consultant, for her visibility before the call on Wednesday.
Well, I think we have covered everything. これで全て網羅できたと思います。
A commemorative ceremony for the 30th anniversary of the founding of our company will be held on May 20.記念式典
Various events are scheduled to take place during the period, including lectures by guest speakers, hands-on exhibits etc. 講演会や体験コーナーなど
We would certainly like to attend and we will rearrange our schedule to enable to do so. 予定を調整してなんとか参加したいと考えています
We are most grateful to you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to attend our promotion event yesterday.
We will make full use in our future activities of what we have learned through this seminar.
words and phrases
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