英語でなんて言う?「前向きに考えます」【#10 ビジネス英語】支払い、契約
今日のフレーズ【#10 ビジネス英語】支払い、契約
Following deliberations, we have decided that we would like to continue considering the matter in a forward-looking manner.
I am contacting you regarding payments for the items you purchased online the other day.
The billed amount is the same as the quoted amount.
Please settle the billed amount as per the payment conditions.支払い条件に沿って請求金額をお支払いください
How would you like to settle your bill? 《ホテルなどで》お支払いはどうなさいますか?
Let’s get back on track. 話を本題に戻しましょう
We value your patronage and hope that it will continue well into the future.ご愛顧に感謝します、今後とも引き続きよろしくお願いします。
Should you have any questions, please contact our accounting department.
Following your request, we have asked A bank to make a remittance as follows.下記の内容にて送金申し込みをしました
I wish to inform you that we have been notified by our bank that remittance has been received from your company.
an outstanding balance of $100 未払いの
Please accept our sincere apologies. 大変申し訳ありません
we hope you will consider designating us as your distributor.代理店として指定いただきたい
We read your e-mail regarding your desire to sell our services in Japan with great interest.
Following deliberations, we have decided that we would like to continue considering the matter in a forward-looking manner.協議の結果前向きに考えていくという結論に至りました
on this occasion, この度は
We would like to conclude a contract with you with respect to the sale of our systems by your company.システムの販売に関して
There are 3 points in total to which we would like to make alterations. 変更いただきたい箇所が3箇所あります
Could you please confirm one point regarding~ 〜に関して1点確認させてください
words and phrases
【首都圏を観光しよう!】YOUTUBEで英会話の学習 2018.12.29
英語でなんて言う?「条件によってはお受けできるかも」【#11 ビジネス英語】依頼 2018.12.30